2010-09-05 IBASMC 2010 Tartus
4th International Live Surgery festival, Portorose, Slovenia 07-10.09.2011
23rd Congress of the European Society for Surgery of the Shoulder and the Elbow , 14-17.09.2011, Lyon France
4th Advanced Course of Knee Surgery, Val D'isere, France 22.01-27.01.2012
56th NOF Congress, Tallinn, Estonia, 01-04.05.2012
15th ESSKA Congress, Geneva, Switzerland, 02-05.05.2012
Nice Shoulder Course - Arthroscopy & Arthroplasty - Current Concepts 2012, Nice, France, 07-09 Juuni 2012
3rd Finnish Hip Arthroscopy Course, UKK Institute, Tampere, Finland, 12-13 September 2012
29. AGA - Kongress, Zürich, 13-15 September 2012
24 Congress of the European Society for Surgery of the Schoulder and The Elbow (SECEC-ESSSE), Dubrovnik, Croatia, 19-22 September 2012
World Sports Trauma Congress & 7th EFOST Congress 2012, London, UK, 17-20 Oktoober 2012
Heidelberg Castle Meeting (live operations and videos), Heidelberg, 11-13 Oktoober 2012
5th International Hip Arthroscopy Meeting, München, 16-17 November 2012
KONVERENTS: "TEADUS, SPORT JA MEDITSIIN IX", Dorpati konverentsikeskus, Turu 2, TASKU, Tartu, 15.-17. november 2012
ETOS konverentsi II päev: "SPORDITRAUMA ja SPORDIMEDITSIIN", Linkbergi auditoorium, Tartu, 30. november 2012
The Meniscus 2nd International Meeting, Versailles, 7-9 Veebruar 2013
1st International Winter Hip Course, Val d`Isere, 13-16 Veebruar 2013
ÕLALIIGESE KURSUS, PERH, Tallinn, 11.-12. aprill 2013
KOGU TÕDE ÕLALIIGESEST, PERH, Tallinn, 12. aprill 2013
9th biennial ISAKOS Congress, Toronto, 12-16 Mai 2013
4th Kuopio Arthroscopic Shoulder Course KASC 2013, Kuopio, Finland, 12-13.09.2013
The 5th Baltic Congress of Traumatology and Orthopaedics, Riga, Latvija, 20-21.09.2013
ICRS Focus Meeting - Stem Cells & Scaffolds Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute, Bologna, Italy, 5-6 Detsember 2013
HEIDELBERG SHOULDER CONVENTION - ALL AROUND THE CUFF, Heidelberg, Germany, 14-15 Veebruar 2014, e-mail:
4rd International Knee Update, Davos, Switzerland, 6-8 Märts 2014
2nd International Congress on Cartilage Repair of the Ankle, Prague, Czech Republik, 11-12 Aprill 2014
NOF Congress, Helsinki, Finland, 7-9 Mai 2014
16th ESSKA congress, Amsterdam, 14-17 Mai 2014
Arthroparis 2014, Paris, France, 27-28 Juuni 20143rd_Finnish_Hip_Arthroscopy_Course 2012_11_15_Konverentsi_programm 2012_11_30_ETOS_konverents 2013_04_11_olaliigese_kursus 2013_04_12_olakonverents 2014_Klaipeda_Course 2014_Spordivigastuste_konverents
ICRS Focus Meeting - The Knee, FIFA Auditorium Sonnenberg, Zurich, Switzerland, 3-4 Juuli 2014
Arthroscopic Course with Live surgeries. Knee, Shoulder and Hip. Klaipeda University Hospital, Klaipeda, Lithuania, 25.-26. September 2014
Spordivigastuste konverents Meriton Grand Conference & Spa Hotell (Paldiski mnt 4), Tallinn, 09.-10. Oktoober 2014
10th Hanover arthroscopy & arthroplasty course, Hannover, Germany, 8-9 November 2014
European Symposium of Biomaterials in Orthopedics and Spine Poznan, 16.-18. Aprill 2015
9th ADVANCED COURSE ON Shoulder Arthroscopy. Val d'Isere, France, 25.-30. Jaanuar 2015
EASTS praktiline p�lvekursus, Eivere mõis, Järvamaa, 23. Aprill 2015
5th Annual ESSKA-AFAS Meeting. Budapest, Hungary, 8.-9. Mai 2015
10th Biennial ISAKOS CONGRESS 2015. Lyon, France, 7.-11. Juuni 2015
ISAKOS is pleased to announce the Call for Abstracts for the 2015 Congress will open September 1, 2013. The deadline for submission is September 1, 2014 at 11:59 P.M. Pacific Standard Time - abstracts will not be accepted after that time.
ICRS Focus Meeting - Rehabilitation &Return to Sports FIFA Sonnenberg Auditorium Zurich, Šveits, 18.-19. September 2015
TORINO 2015 CAPITALE EUROPEA DELLO SPORT Torino, 27.-28. November 2015
The Meniscus, Porto, 4.-6. Veebruar 2016
International Shoulder Symposium Paris 2016, Pariis, 18.-19. Märts 2016
17th ESSKA congress, Barcelona, 4-7 Mai 2016
5th Kuopio Arthroscopic Shoulder Course KASC2016, Kuopio University Hospital, Finland, 15-16 September 2016
13th World Congress of the International Cartilage Repair Society, Naples, Italy, 24-27 September 2016
3rd Finnish Hip Arthroscopy Course, UKK Institute, Tampere, Finland, 12-13 September 2012rd
ETOS konverentsi II päev: "SPORDITRAUMA ja SPORDIMEDITSIIN", Linkbergi auditoorium, Tartu 2012
ÕLALIIGESE KURSUS, PERH, Tallinn, 11.-12. aprill 2013